Whether we like it or not, the incident is part of the life of the factory. If it can be relatively benign (missing parts on an assembly station), worrying (a faulty machine) or serious (an accident), its consequences are always heavy for production: stoppage, delay, and ultimately lack to win.
The andon alert: a proven method of reporting / handling incidents
The andon (“light where you have to go” in Japanese) is the method favored by a majority of industries(and in many other activities) to facilitate problem solving.
It consists of a series of fairly simple phases on paper:
- the call: an operator reports (formerly via a lighting device) a problem on his set
- the supervisor becomes aware of the incident, resolves it if he can,
- or “escalation” to a higher level of support otherwise
Claas : less stress, more speed
Claas tractor production plant, which has gone digital with Pingflow since 2013, quickly saw the benefits: 30 seconds on average saved per incident, an investment that pays for itself in 6 months, and more serene employees, because they are assured of the proper consideration of their andon alerts. In addition, by digitizing its Andon system, Claas has ensured that it benefits from a system that is very easily adaptable to (frequent) reorganizations of production stations according to changes in the range and demand.
Digital abandonment: saving time (and experience)
When it comes to incident handling, the speed of each of these steps is crucial in order to be able to restart the activity as quickly as possible. In this, the digitization of the andon alert system will make it possible to increase:
- reporting speed: the signal is no longer bright, but an SMS on the supervisor’s mobile, looped through other escalating alert devices as needed
- the speed of identification of the problem: we go from an analog system (light off: no incident, light on: incident) to a more detailed declaration, with pre-programmed choices of causes (problem of assembly, supply, safety, for example), making it possible to alert the relevant stakeholders more quickly
- resolution speed: the alert is broadcast to several departments, making it possible to mobilize the necessary resources more quickly
Additional gain: the digitization of alerts will make it possible to compile information on incidents, and therefore offer:
- a more precise and synthesized view of the (non) performance of the production chain
- very useful data on the frequency of incidents by type of problem, by position, by product, etc. with a view to continuous improvement.
GECurrent : complete digitalization of the production unit
Specialized in the management of collective lighting (from offices to road networks), it’s main production site is based in North Carolina, aimed to be part of an industry 4.0 approach. .
First via the digitization of SQCD panels, then by generalizing this approach (Gemba boards, internal communication, line board), Current by GE relied on Pingflow’s SaaS solution to digitize and manage all of its activity. Thus perpetuating and restoring productivity margins to the site.