Over-information in companies


Do all companies generate data that can be useful to them, without even knowing it?

Today, all companies generate a large amount of data that can come from different software depending on activity: ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), WMS (Warehouse Management System), Excel, etc.

At the managerial level, companies are aware of the need to synthesize and facilitate access to these data.  Managers benefit from synthetic dashboards linked to their activities thanks to “business intelligence” tools. On the other hand, the operatives remain the least equipped in this field.

Difficulties often lie in the incompatibility of connection between software or in its complexity in viewing key information. Knowledge of the progress of objectives in real time is then complex and undermines the performance and effectiveness of these operational resources.


How do I get real-time data? How is it relevant or not?

In our daily life, we are used to being connected and monitored in real time (GPS, smartphones, connected objects, etc.).  With the growing need for mobility and access to instant information in the workplace, digital and web-based tools are revolutionizing the way we work.

Obviously, access to real-time data is relevant in case of important information flows: in production, logistics, customer service, internal communication, etc. But the goal remains to avoid over-information and visualize relevant data at the right time.

Targeting operational staff, the collective visualization of updated and comprehensible information at a glance enables: better decision-making, efficiency, team motivation and fostering collaborative work.

What needs do you meet with Pingflow’s solution?

The display solution developed by Pingflow is aimed at companies, large accounts and SMB, in order to simplify access to information and avoid over-information in order to boost operational excellence.
Pingflow therefore meets several needs:

  • Economic: by using digital tools, we want to make operational teams more efficient and responsive by avoiding long, costly, and poorly scalable display developments;
  • Digital: through modernization of display media with digital and Web tools enabling transparency of information in real time;
  • Social: by strengthening autonomy and accountability of operational resources through a simple tool to update without being an IT expert